Memorial Flowers

St. Joseph Parish has established a Memorial Flowers program, through which your memorial and personal intentions can be visibly observed at Mass. The flower arrangements are a great way to remember a loved one, offer thanksgiving for a special grace, or help beautify our sanctuary.

Memorial flowers may be requested for any weekends and Holy Days of obligation throughout the year, except during Lent and Advent, memorial. You and your intentions will announced in the parish bulletin for that week.

Please reserve the preferred weekend at least two weeks prior or more by visiting our website or calling the parish office. Click on the Mass intention calendar and on the right side next to the shopping cart there are two tabs click on MEMORIALS to see available weekends.

 Begins in January 2024

$100 Tabernacle

$150 Altar

$150 Ambo

$150 Our Lady of Guadalupe

Your memorial flowers will be made by the Liturgical Art & Environment Committee and placed in the church in time for the Vigil Mass or Holy Day. They will be displayed for all the Masses that day.

Should you have any questions or concerns, Angel Machado will be happy to assist you.  Thank you in advance for your generosity!