Instituted Acolytes

“The acolyte is instituted for service at the altar and to assist the Priest and Deacon. It is his place principally to prepare the altar and the sacred vessels and, if necessary, to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful as an extraordinary minister” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 98).

Altar Servers

All boys and girls who have received their first Holy Communion are encouraged to serve the priest at the altar.


Masses in English – Call the Parish Office 509-586-3820

Misas en español – Alicia Rodríguez, Liliana Villaseñor y Hugo Cartagena

Music Ministry | Ministerio de Música

St. Augustine believed that those who sing pray twice. We have found that those who share their gift of music receive, in return, too many blessings to count!

New voices are always welcome. If you are interested, email us at

Música en español:
Linda Solorio (509) 412-5771
Gloria Rodríguez (509) 431-3530
Ramiro Panduro (509) 845-5068
Raquel Rodríguez (509) 378-4952
Yesenia Arredondo (509) 539-5676
Javier González (509) 521-9139
José Miramontes (509) 440-0579

Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión

An “Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion” is a Catholic layperson who assists in the distribution of Holy Communion, during the Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion receive spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence.

Masses in English – Dr. Ivan Guevara
Misas en español – Bertha Martínez & Lulis González

Lectors | Lectores

Men and women with strong, easy-to-understand speaking voices are invited to serve as Lectors at Mass. If you have a great desire to proclaim God’s Word and are interested in this spiritually rewarding activity, contact the Parish Office.


Masses in English – Dr. Ivan Guevara

Misas en español​ – María Rodríguez

Ministry To The Homebound And Sick

These ministers have volunteered to bring the Body of Christ to those unable to receive in any other manner. This is truly a spiritually rewarding experience for all involved. Communion is scheduled to be brought to those who are sick, in nursing homes or homebound weekly at a regularly appointed time.


Contact – call the parish office

Perpetual Adoration | Adoración Perpetua

Perpetual Adoration has resumed. Please call to obtain a code.

Contact- Carol LeCompte
509-582-5011 or by e-mail:

Prayer Chain | Cadena de Oración

The purpose of the prayer chain is to offer anyone asking for prayer, the promise and commitment that their concerns will be lifted up to God in prayer by the prayer chain members.
Call the parish office to place someone on the prayer chain.
509-586-3820 Ext 103

Sacristans |Sacristanes

The sacristan is a lay person who “diligently arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things that are necessary for the celebration of Mass”(GIRM, no. 105a). Working from the sacristy, he or she should be well-trained in the complexities of the liturgical actions, as well as those of special Masses or those of greater solemnity, so as to make appropriate provision.

Ushers | Ujieres

This organization of parish members provides the ushering service at the celebration of Mass and other ceremonies. Their main task is to welcome all as they come to celebrate and to see to their needs. Other duties include taking up the collection, inviting a family to present the offertory gifts, maintaining a Mass count and making sure the church is in proper order after Mass.

Masses in English – Rey Gómez
Misas en español – Efrain Madrigal
Misas en español – Gonzalo Sánchez

Youth Ministry | Ministerio Juvenil

During our Friday Youth Night, we seek to communicate the Gospel Message to our teenagers in a relevant way, through their culture and common experiences. Our high school youth group is like an extended family, and we aim to make our teens feel welcome. Our Core team (high school students & adults) facilitates the Youth Nights each night.

Youth Nights are held on Fridays from 7:00-8:30 pm, check out our social media account for more information.

Durante nuestras reunionés del grupo juvenil, buscamos comunicar el mensaje del Evangelio a nuestros jóvenes de manera relevante, a través de su cultura y experiencias comunes. Nuestro grupo juvenil es como una familia extendida y nuestro objetivo es hacer que nuestros adolescentes se sientan bienvenidos. Nuestro equipo (estudiantes de secundaria y adultos) facilita las reuniones del grupo juvenil cada noche.

El grupo juvenil se reúne los viernes de 7:00 a 8:30 pm., visite nuestra cuenta de redes sociales para obtener más información.

Coordinators – Nancy Trinidad – 509-302-3244 | Angel Machado 509-438-4257


Altar Linen Care | Cuidado de lienzos

Each week a group of dedicated women wash and iron linens used at Mass according to a specific formula.

Contact: Betty Johnson

Apologetics Group | Grupo de Apologetica

This ministry is only offered in Spanish and they meet on Friday evening.

Contact: Alida Anguiano & Salvador Nava

Bulletin Stuffers | Ayuda con el Boletin

A group of volunteers that help put the weekly bulletin together. They gather Friday mornings in the conference room of the Big Church.

Environment | Ambiente

The Environmental Committee helps the church community celebrate the changing liturgical seasons by using color and symbols. They help create an inviting and prayerful atmosphere through the use of these visual aids.

Funeral Committee | Comite de Funeral

The Funeral Committee is in charge of helping with the funeral reception. We are always looking for volunteers to help serve and or donate a cooked dish or dessert.

Contact: Sarah Wright

Guadalupana Society | Sociedad de Guadalupanas

This ministry is comprised of Catholic lay people devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The group supports families who have experienced a death by helping with the funeral and praying the rosary with the family.

Contact: Ramon and Viola Mata 509-586-9995

Women of St. Josephs | Mujeres de San José

ALL ladies of this parish, and those involved in St. Joseph’s School, are members of the Women of St. Joseph and serve the parish community in a variety of ways. Among the many activities are semi-annual yard sales and providing funeral dinners. Proceeds from the fund raising projects go for the care of the altar vestments and linens as well as other identified needs of the church including our building projects. Social events are also an important component of this organization

Contact: Leticia Aguilar 509-870-7016

Knights of Columbus #8179 | Caballeros de Colon

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal service organization for men, eighteen (18) years of age or over. Council 8179 offers church-related activities, insurance protection for its members and families, social outlets, community service, family-oriented events, youth programs, as well as vocational and Pro-life support. The Order dedicates itself to the ideals of Columbianism: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.